Thursday, August 12, 2010

Miles City Healthy Lifestyles Program

Attention Miles City-area State Employees and Residents
Are you ready to make a change for the better? Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in this excellent program – you may even qualify to have the program costs reimbursed through the State of Montana Why Weight Program*, a benefit of your State health care plan.
The Healthy Lifestyles program will be offered by Liane Vadheim, RD, LN, CDE at Holy Rosary Healthcare in Miles City. The program emphasizes lifestyle changes such as
• weight control
• increased activity
• stress reduction
• problem solving
• healthy eating choices
• eating out
• staying motivated

Initial assessments are currently being held for August. Space is limited, early sign-up is encouraged. For more information please call Carla McPherson at 406-233-4067
Sessions begin late August
Classes meet weekly and last about 1 hour

You don’t have to drive to Miles City, this program will be available to you long distance. Call for more information. 406-233-4067

The program is based on intensive lifestyle management that may reduce the development of diabetes by 58% in those at risk.
• It is a 10 month program with the first 16-week core curriculum consisting of an initial assessment, weekly educational meetings, and guidance of a personal Lifestyle Coach.
• One to one lifestyle coaching
• Complete weight management and healthy living curriculum and exercise
• During the six month follow-up curriculum, monthly educational sessions will be held with follow-up by the Lifestyle Coaches.
In addition to receiving educational and exercise sessions and the advice of a Lifestyle Coach, participants will receive extensive participant manuals, food logs, fat counter booklets.
There is a one time $150 charge for the 10 month program. This is a qualified expense under the State of Montana’s Why Weight Program* (see below).
• Overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2)
• Had medical clearance from their referring provider
• 18 years or over
• Readiness assessment

And had one or more of the following:
• Diagnosis of pre-diabetes; (A1C 5.7 to 6.4% can be used)
• Impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose;
• High blood pressure (≥130/85 mmHg or treatment) or
• Dyslipidemia (triglycerides >150 mg/dl, LDL-cholesterol >130mg/dl or treatment; or HDL-cholesterol <40mg/dl men and <50mg/dl women);
• A history of gestational diabetes (GDM)
• Gave birth to a baby greater than 9 pounds

If you are ready to lose weight, have participated in the Health Screenings, and have a body mass index of 27 or higher, you can participate in Why Weight. A health coach will assist you in setting and reaching your goals. You may also qualify for up to $300 in assistance with some out-of-pocket expenses. Call Reliant Behavioral Health (RBH) at 1-866-750-0512 for more information about Why Weight.

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