Monday, May 9, 2016

Governor's Stay Active Challenge - May 9-July 3

Join the Governor and hundreds of your fellow State of Montana Employees in this free 8-week physical activity challenge for people of ALL fitness levels.

Get started today!

  1. Make an account at (You’ll also use this account to track your Live Life Well Incentive program activities and progress!)
    1. Use the exact information on your Allegiance card to register.
    2. Need help registering or using the site? Call MyActiveHealth Customer Service at (855) 206-1302.
  2. Start tracking your steps:
    1. Sync your Fitbit or other step tracking device/app (Scroll down on the home page and click “Go to devices and apps”) OR
    2. Manually enter steps (Scroll down on the home page and click “Go to tracker”)

  1. You don’t need to do anything else to register for the Governor’s Stay Active Challenge.  Just start tracking steps and you’ll start getting a weekly Challenge email. 
It’s FREE—There is no cost to participate! Everyone who joins gets a participant gift.
It’s EASY— The step entry system is online and accessible from anywhere, anytime.
It’s FUN—We’ve got more prizes, activities, and assistance than ever!


The new system does not track teams, but you’re welcome to organize your own.  If you’d like tips on team activities, motivation and more, sign up for the team captain email here:


Questions about the website:  (855) 206-1302

General Wellness Questions:                             
(406) 444-7462
(800) 287-8266
(406) 444-1421 (TTY)