Monday, March 16, 2015

Stay Active Challenge Team Names Needed!

Dear State of Montana employees,
Are you looking for a fun, FREE way to get active this spring?  Join the Governor and hundreds of your fellow State of Montana Employees in this 8-week physical activity challenge for people of ALL fitness levels.

Here are three reasons to sign up your team name today!

It’s FREE—There is no cost to participate! Everyone who joins gets a participant gift and a pedometer (if you need one) for free!
It’s EASY— The step entry system will be online and accessible from anywhere, anytime.
It’s FUN—We’ve got more prizes, activities, and assistance than ever!
ü    A kickoff with the Governor
ü    A chance to win an iPad Air, tablets, Fitbit Charge, gift certificates, and more
ü    Weekly challenges and recipes
ü    One on one coaching
ü    Opportunities to get to know your fellow participants

2015 Challenge Schedule:
Now-March 27
Let us know your team name by March 27
*Registration will be coming soon, but if you want a specific team name, you have to let us know FIRST so we can put it in the system.
March 30
Registration Open Online
April 23
April 21
Challenge Kickoff-
                 A message and walk with the Governor at 12 p.m. (Helena only)
                 Much more!
Helena: Capitol Rotunda
Missoula: 2677 Palmer Street - 1st floor
April 27-June 21
Challenge Takes Place
Wherever you are!

(406) 444-7462
(800) 287-8266
(406) 444-1421 (TTY)

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