Attention State Employees:
Registration for 2012 Health Screenings is now open!
January/February screenings include Helena, Missoula, Anaconda, Whitefish and Kalispell. Employees, Retirees, spouses and dependents the age of 18 or over on the State of Montana health benefit plan are eligible for one State of Montana sponsored health screening per year. Health screenings are sponsored by the State of Montana Healthy For Life Wellness Program.
REMEMBER! $5 Discount
Participants covered under the State of Montana health care plan have another opportunity to get a $5 discount off their monthly health care contributions! The discount will be given for the 2013 plan year based on participation in a health screening during 2012. To be eligible for a $5 discount, the member must participate in a health screening during 2012. To be eligible for a $10 discount, the member and a spouse or dependent age 18 or older covered under their plan must participate during 2012. Discounts will not exceed $10 per month per member. For questions, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at
Important! Registration for appointments is essential to ensure your spot, and appointments can be made for anytime during the year. There is even a convenient option to add a “reminder” to your Outlook calendar right on the registration system. Don’t wait until the last minute; please make your appointment today!
To Register:
First Time Users: Click “Create An Account.” Create a User Name & Password for yourself, along with the other requested information. You will need a copy of your benefits card handy.
Returning Users: Click “Login.” Enter your username and password. (If you’ve forgotten them, use the “Forgot your user name?” or “Forgot your password?” links.)
1. After following the directions for “first-time users” or “returning users” (depending on if you created an account last year) you will reach a section that asks for your Company Code. Use Company Code: 3711786
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to select a screening to attend.
3. If you are registering yourself and a spouse, a separate account must be created for each of you. Simply start at “Create An Account” again when registering your spouse. Due to federal privacy regulations, an e-mail address may only be used on one account. If you share an e-mail address, one account can be created online and the other may be set up via the It Starts With Me toll-free number, (866) 932-6467.
Screenings take about 20 minutes with an appointment, and you will need to bring a copy of your benefits card and a picture ID with you to the screening. Employees, retirees, spouses and dependents on the health plan over the age of 18 are eligible for one free health screening per year.
For assistance with registration please contact
It Starts With Me
(866) 932-6467 (10 AM – 4 PM MST)
For other questions please contact:
Health Care and Benefits Division
(406) 444-7462 - or - (800) 287-8266
TTY (406) 444-1421